ok, i am going to touch on each of these ways in which we call ourselves "honoring" or respecting or helping soldiers and veterans with some common sense and consideration of the whole.
-the facebook status' thanking all the veterans for their services are up.-
so we all hail these veterans because they fight in our wars. in this we disregard the whole or what war is, what it entails, its starting point. no one should support war. in a nutshell, war is murder from profit.

to deny that statement is to deny what that facts are regarding war, as a whole. war is started by beliefs. one side believes things should be this way, the other side believe things should be another way. both sides, in thier minds, think they are doing what is best for "their people", "their country", "their land" and that they are willing to manipulate/lie/hurt/kill to get their way. to profit in their eyes. the spoiled child, but for adults. there is lots of money in war. money to be made and spent. and in this spending and making of money and profits -the lives of many are disregarded. whether it is the soldiers of whichever country or the civilians of "the enemy". there is only one world. life is life. and life always pays the death debt of war. the fact that we ("us" and "them") feel like we need people that are willing to not only die, but kill other people (men, women, children, cities, either now or through the years due to physical consequences of our actions)- is a problem that is not being looked at within our "celebrating of veterans". we say these men and women fight for our "freedom" and/or bring "freedom" to others.

which is laughable because we are not free. we are slaves to much and many. and we fucking pay. just because u are born into this world does not mean u get the freedom to eat food/live once u get here. no. someone who has mentally decided to give a damn about u, above most others, has to go out and make some money then they will be able to buy food/give u the "freedom" to live. the breath is free. and until we are as the breath, we are not free.
-the president laid a reef at the 'tomb of the unknown' as well as issued a tax credit for hiring unemployed vets.-
separation is not best for all. as seen in the separation of religions in which wars are fought as a result. people willing do die and kill others to prove to self that selfs beLIEfS are right and superior to others beLIEfS. as seen in the separation of races of people in which wars are fought as a result. people willing to die and kill others to prove to self that selfs race is right and superior to other races. from separation leads to ideas of winners and losers. as seen in our current capitalistic system. there are tons of people unemployed right now. people. not veterans or non veterans or blacks or whites or mexicans or young or old. people. but we are accepting and allowing of a tax credit for hiring unemployed vets? when so many PEOPLE are in need of assistance? its very dismissive of the whole. and because we have accepted and allowed this capitalistic system as ourselves ( this system of required winners and losers) there is the probability that we will want to profit. either many will hire veterans for reasons of getting the tax cut or many will disregard others that need jobs and possess the skills to do said job and instantly go towards hiring a veteran for reasons of mental ideas connected to people who fight in wars..or the tax cut or all of they above in more. we have to consider it all within the system in which we operate and consider ourselves because we ultimately create and manifest the system in which we operate. we need to do things on a world wide scale. one world. one people. lets stop settling for helping small groups of people to assist them in creating mental ideas of being "lucky" or "blessed" or in any way superior to any other person. in doing that we accept and allow the physical consequences of moving through life with that mentality. which is much..
-some will be giving a minute of silence.-
what is the point of a minute of silence? well, the way we take 'a moment of silence' is to remember those who have died. we would rather remember what is done than to stop it from having to be done. the fact that we still solve our "unsolvable" with our 'go to solution' = murder is fascinating. because it is so widely accepted as something that "has to" go on in life. this shows the limitation we allow to live in and as us. well in actuality one point of silence is 'to hear something'. if nothing is being SAID to be HEARD by way of the silence, whats the point of the silence?
-some are collecting candy to send over to the soldiers, others putting together as many gift baskets (food/candy/personal things a soldier needs) as possible to send over as well.-
we supply these our soldiers with almost endless amounts of bullets and tanks and rations, we spend billions, yes BILLIONS, on war as a whole --- but we require charity (money from beings that are not fighting) to create baskets of what we consider delicious food and necessities ( shaving cream, favorite junk foods, books, wet wipes, tissue, sweets, whatever). if we have this great appreciation for our soldiers and what they are fighting for why does someone have to pay $70 to send a soldier some chips and shit? these people should be given whatever the hell they need. all people really. and the companies that sell this shit are ran by beings whos egos collectively attribute to us going to war in the first place are making a profit off something that should JUST be done. if it was about actually care and not presenting the illusion of care, these things would be done different. every aspect of how we help another.
-i was watching the news about the establishment of a 'veterans court' where veterans who come home and commit crimes are able to be helped differently and receive different attention via our court system because they are a veteran.-

soldiers deal with a lot of shit. they are thrust into a world where they must survive at all cost with people out there that are trying to kill them and hidden mines under the ground to which if stepped on while blow them to pieces not being able to sleep comfortably most of the time, always hearing or seeing others die around them. its a lot of shit. and if one is looking at things within self honesty one will see that all are going through these same things. all is a reflection of our current acceptance and allowance of ourselves. we are all thrust into a world where we must survive at all cost in the capitalistic system that accepts that there will be winners and losers. that accepts there will be people left at the waist side. we are all surrounded by people that are trying to kill us. whether it is by way of money, as one must have money to eat and eats to live, or by way of one of the many beings who, with the help of this world as a whole, have manifested themselves as murders. we are all looking out for mines in relation to cancer, sexually transmitted diseases (because MANY people are deceptive or simply not self aware at all. as we breed us to be..) and many dis eases that plague our earth which we really dont know in totality how they manifest all the time. thousands of people die around us daily. just depends on ones mental ideas about what "around me" is - versus what ,in actuality, around us all is. all the same shit in different forms. but the same shit nonetheless. which is why many PEOPLE are dealing with the same things as a veteran that has been to war would. and many -all- PEOPLE are in need of the attention we want to separately give to the veterans. we want to get to the bottom and help these veterans instead of just send them to jail like we do with "regular" people. creating the separation of veterans and "regular" people, the superiority of veterans over "regular" people, the worth of the life of veterans over "regular" people. this is not best for all in any account. with the establishment of this 'veterans court' we are saying a number of things. we are saying that our "regular" people court system is not equip to deal with the needs of a veteran who comes back and commits a crime. we are saying that veterans are more deserving of assistance than "regular" people. we are saying that we require a special court for veterans only to help in the way that we should be helping all people if we valued all people but since we value the life of a veteran over the life of a "regular" person they need to have their own court to go to when they fuck up. this is obviously a lack of care for the whole. and one of many acts that disregard people as a whole.
my sisters company (shes a liquor rep) has a program going on where if u buy a bottle of this specific type of alcohol the proceeds will go to purchasing cell phones and minutes for soldiers so they are able to call home and speak with their families.
we spend billions of dollars on war. billions of dollars are made in profits of war. we spend billions of dollars each year on television advertisement. but we cant spend a couple thousand to send each soldier a fucking cell phone and minutes? we have to get people to purchase a specific type of alcohol (attached to a brand profiting off of the need for soldiers to be able to call home)in order to let our soldiers who we claim we honor and respect so greatly have access to a cell phone and minutes? in this we disregard the fact that alcohol is one of the leading causes of unnecessary deaths in the entire world, we disregard the conditional existence we create for our soldiers (as we do for the world as a whole),we disregard the honor and respect we call ourselves wanting to give to veterans above all people. not seeing we actually disregard veterans as we disregard people. as we try to emit the illusion of care for both. when presented with the new project at work, 'minutes for soldiers', my sister immediately saw the common sense point of , why dont we just GIVE them phones and minutes. they had an actual soldier there that she asked if they actually get these phones and these minutes. to which the soldier said yes and its cool because they cannot always get to a place where they are able to phone home. and my sister asked the big elephant question in the room of why dont we just GIVE soldiers phones and minutes. there was a moment of silence. and then they responded that they didnt know. but quickly left the bullshit untouched and encouraged to push this specific alcohol and the program.
there is so much hypocracy within our collective actions as people. we say this day is to honor those who fight or die at war. the best way to honor them is to do everything we have every done completely different. every way we use to address a situation, stop that and do that different. every way we use to address opposition, stop that and do that different. every way we raise people up to be, stop that and do that different. to where war is not an option or possibility in our world. it is possible. change is not only possible, its necessary. there is much to consider as to why things are the way they are. starting with our individual/collective acceptance and allowance of ourselves.